Thursday, October 25, 2012

State Senator Bill Beagle Tours Greenville Career Tech Center

    State Senator Bill Beagle (R - Tipp City) toured Greenville Career Technical Center on Tuesday, October 23, 2012. Senator Beagle serves on Governor John Kasich's Executive Workforce Board. As a member of the panel, Beagle plays a role in advising the Governor and the Office of Workforce Transformation regarding the development, implementation, and continuous improvement of Ohio's workforce system. During the visit, Senator Beagle was updated on Darke County Workforce Development efforts at the Greenville Career Tech Center. Senator Beagle also took a tour of the Greenville Career Tech Center and visited with students and staff. Med Tech Student Darpan Kaur commented: "It was a really exciting experience because you could tell how intrigued he was by what we had to say about each of our programs, and it means a lot to know that he cares about our future." Engineering Student Lane Flora added: "It was really cool that we were able to show him our gravitational water vortex project and talk to him about our Engineering Program." Darpan Kaur added: "Having the opportunity to be in Career Tech Education (Med Tech Program) has helped me know what I want to do with my life." 

Monday, October 22, 2012

2nd Graders Working Hard!

 The students in Mrs. Ford's 2nd grade Language Arts classes have been working hard to learn about basic story elements.  As a culminating activity,  they wrote book reports that required them to report about the setting, characters, problem, solution, climax, and their favorite part of the story.  They also decorated a pumpkin to represent one of the characters in their books.  The kids worked really hard and did a great job!  Mrs. Ford is so proud!

Financial Specialist

Greenville High School senior Financial Specialist students have the opportunity to gain hands-on work experience through the Alumni Shop. Students select products to sell, determine prices, and keep inventory for the shop.

Shop manager, Justin Helmer, had this reaction to his recent appointment to the position, "I believe this is a great opportunity to get work experience on how to run a business."

"It is a really good way to help us develop customer service skills," said senior, Rachel Class.

The Financial Specialist is a junior-senior year program that trains in management, accounting, finance, insurance and business ownership. For more information contact David Peltz, Career Tech Director at 548-4188 ext. 848, or instructors Reed Mikesell, or Margie Heitkamp at


Friday, October 19, 2012

Greenville City School Board of Education COMMENDATIONS FOR OCTOBER

  • 1. Commendations are extended to the Greenville City Schools Faculty & Staff, Administration, Student Body, Parents and Community for receiving an Excellent Rating on the Ohio Department of Education District Report Card for 2012.
  • 2. Commendations are extended to Woodland Primary School’s PTA, Grace Resurrection Community Center and Shared Harvest Food Bank for the development of a "Back Pack" Program at Woodland Primary School to provide meals for qualifying students over the weekend.
  • 3. Commendations are extended to three senior high students, Tara Guillozet, Makayla Robbins, and Maggie Suter for having their art banners designs selected to be enlarged and reproduced to hang on light poles downtown.
  • 4. Commendations are extended to the high school Theatre Department for presenting an anti-bullying message play in the elementary buildings.
  • 5. Commendations are extended to South School for starting a new club called Wave Leaders. The club offers leadership activities and service learning opportunities.
  • 6. Commendations are extended to South School and Junior High School for their after school Goal Getters Program under the leadership of Danesa Borgerding and co-sponsored by the YMCA and Light Foundation.
  • 7. Commendations are extended to the Junior High School for the ACE Activities program keeping students focused on being the best behaved that they can and monitoring their own behavior.
  • 8. Commendations are extended to the Auto Technology Vocational Educational Program for participating in the Automotive Youth Education Systems with this year’s focus on electrical systems of the automobile.
  • 9. Commendations are extended to the Wavaires and the Jazz Band of the Senior High School for presenting outstanding performances at the Greenville School Foundation Dinner/Auction on October 13, 2012
  • 10. Commendations are extended to South and East Schools for their after school tutoring and homework help program.

      Thursday, October 18, 2012

      Greenville FFA Sells Fruit

      Greenville – It’s that time once again! The Greenville FFA fruit sale has come to town. The fruit sale will be held through Nov. 20. The FFA will be selling Navel Oranges, Tangelos, Red Grapefruit, Pears, Pineapples and Tangerines. They will also be selling Ohio Grown Apples in mixed boxes. The box includes Red Delicious, Gold Delicious, and Granny Smith. You can sample different fruits with our mixed box, which contains navels, grapefruit, and tangelos. A neat gift idea is the 4 and 8 quart fruit baskets. The baskets contain oranges, grapefruit, pears, red and gold apples, nuts and candy. The 8 quart basket also includes a pineapple.

      They are also offering Peanuts, Almonds, Pecans, and D.B. Yummers BBQ Sauce, Jeff’s Jerky, and  a variety of cheeses.

       The fruit is available in boxes, half boxes or bags. The BBQ sauce comes in19.5 oz. bottles. We are hoping to make the 2012 fruit sale our best yet and hope that you will help us achieve this goal.

      For more information or to place an order you can contact one of the FFA members or Mr. Guttadore at 548-4188 ext. 844 or Also, all orders are prepaid. Make checks payable to Greenville FFA.


      Woodland Students Visit Safety Days with the FFA

      First graders from Woodland Primary went to the fairgrounds for a day of safety and agriculture education. High School FFA students led each area and were guides for each class of students. Students had safety lessons in fire, injury, bicycle, electricity, and farm equipment. They were also given the opportunity to be around animals, learn about where their food comes from, and participated in a physical wellness activity. A huge thank you to the FFA students for a wonderful day!

      Tuesday, October 16, 2012

      Supply Chain Management Students Participate in Job Shadowing

      Recently, the Supply Chain Management program at Greenville High School's Career Tech Program took part in a 1/2 day job shadowing experience. Job shadowing involves contacting businesses to find a willing Mentor, visiting a business for 1/2 day and asking lots of questions! The Supply Chain students were excited about the opportunity and found tremendous learning locations and wonderful mentors for their first job shadow experience this year. Most students were located within Darke County in our local businesses. There were students working the front desk at the YMCA, grooming animals at Reigning Cats and Dogs, assisting in the County Commissioners office, working in retail locations such as Sadie Grace and Club Seven, Prairie Farms, Florida Production Engineering, Leis Realty, Drew Ag, the Darke County Sheriff's Office, and Treaty Supply to name a few!
      The students were placed in businesses to learn about different careers as well as to gain the opportunity to watch and learn about different business processes. Not only did the students spend time learning about jobs in their community, they also spent time preparing presentations to share with fellow students about their experience. The goal of the program is to better inform students of careers that are available while determining how those positions fit into supply chain and logistics.

      A big thanks to all of our job shadow locations. The students will continue to job shadow during the course of the school year. If your business is interested in being a job shadowing location and mentor to an up and coming business professional, please feel free to contact Dara Buchy via email

      Supply Chain Management Students Tour Treaty Supply

       Treaty Supply general manager, Lisa Hesson, hosted the Greenville CTC Supply Chain Management program on Friday, October 5th. As a part of SCM's educational goals, the group toured the facility while gaining a more thorough understanding of the supply chain process.

      While on tour the students experienced the overall business process for this local company. They were able to speak with the warehouse manager, general manager, purchasing director, sales staff and customer service representatives. Each individual explained their own job duties and the importance of working efficiently and effectively to the bottom line for both the company and the individual employee. The students had plenty of questions and enjoyed the opportunity to learn the "picking" process, the shipping and general cycle of business for this company.

      If your company would be willing to host the Supply Chain Management program from Greenville's Career Tech Center please feel free to contact Dara Buchy at the school or by email:

      Thursday, October 11, 2012

      At Woodland We CARE!

      Woodland students are learning this year to care. They are going to use their Character, Attitude, Respect and Excellence to CARE for themselves, CARE for others and CARE for our school. Students and teachers have been talking about Woodland CARE since the first day of school. Recently our school counselor, Katy Copas has pitched in by taking time with classrooms around the building and teaching about Bullying. She has spent time teaching students what bullying is, how to report it and what to do if you see it happening to someone else. Hopefully students can become aware and bullying can be prevented! We invite parents and community members to join us in CAREing at Woodland and everywhere we go.

      Woodland Second Graders Adopt A Tree!

      Students in Mrs. Durr's second grade Science classes are adopting trees! The have located their tree in the outdoor classroom behind our school and they plan on monitoring their tree all this year. The students will do measurements, observe the life cycle and gather many other lessons from the trees this year. The outdoor classroom is a superb resource for students and teachers at Woodland! It makes it possible to bring the learning to life!

      Monday, October 8, 2012

      Greenville Career Tech Center – Careers with Children Program and Greenville Learning Center Pre-School Combine for Success

      This year there are 25 students enrolled in Careers with Children. The students who are enrolled in this program plan, create, and implement lesson plans in the preschool lab. The students in this class are learning all about Ohio’s Early Learning Content Standards and how to create developmentally appropriate lesson plans. Every week the students create lesson plans in the following areas: Math, Science, Social Studies, Music, Writing, Physical Development, Art, and Language and Literacy.

      Greenville Learning Center (GLC) is a full-time preschool operated inside of Greenville High School. It is a fully licensed center by the Ohio Department of Education. GLC is opened Monday through Friday from 8:00-3:00 and is open to any child ages 3-5. We currently have 24 children enrolled at Greenville Learning Center. One of the many great qualities about this preschool is the opportunity for one on one work.

      Greenville Career Tech Center Supply Chain Management Program Welcomes Local Business Partners to Share Their Expertise with Students

      Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a 2-year education program offered in GreenvilleHigh School's Career Technical Center. The SCM program prepares students to move into a 2 or 4 year college or certificated program in many varied fields of study. Students successfully completing the program currently receive a $3,000.00 scholarship from Sinclair Community College as well as having the opportunity to earn college credit without leaving the school facility.

      Every Monday the SCM program welcomes local businesses to share their professional expertise and job experiences as the students learn about the many facets of the business world. Please contact Mrs. Dara Buchy at 548-4188, or, if you are interested in visiting the SCM program and sharing information about your business. The students would appreciate an opportunity to meet you and talk about your business!

      Chamber President Sharon Deschambeau presents information on customer service to juniors and seniors in the Supply Chain Management program at Greenville High School’s Career Tech Center on September 17


      Friday, October 5, 2012

      South School Recycling Project Winner

      Pictured are the Recycling Project winners from Mrs. House's 5th grade science class at South Middle School. Students were required to take a piece of trash that would have been thrown away and turn it into something useful. Congratulations on a job well done!

      Wednesday, October 3, 2012

      High School Theater Visits Woodland Primary

      Today Woodland students were treated to the presentation of Three Billy Goats Griff put on by the High School Theater Department. High School students put on two showings of the play to spread the anti-bullying message that we are emphasizing this year at Woodland! We are so honored to be able to have such a great group of talented actors and role models from the GHS to come and share with us today!